Apply to the Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) 2021 today!
What is the Executive Leadership Development Program?
The NAMIC Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) targets upper-mid level executives of color whose performance and potential point them toward future senior executive positions. The program was created to meet several important goals:
- Help identify and nurture high-potential executives of color
- Build and strengthen their skills, preparing them for promotion to more senior positions
- Provide useful tools to help them meet the unique challenges that confront professionals of color who occupy key leadership roles
- Assist industry companies’ retention efforts for executives of color
Program Description
NAMIC's Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) is offered in partnership with the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. ELDP is a globally celebrated program uniquely tailored for executives in the cable, media and entertainment industry.
Tuition: $24,000
Tuition for the NAMIC Executive Leadership Development Program is $24,000 per participant covering books, materials, and meals. Travel and lodging expenses are the responsibility of the participants’ sponsoring companies.
Registration: Ongoing through August 31, 2021What does the ELDP do?
Since the fall of 2012, the University of Virginia Darden School of Business has been NAMIC’s academic partner for ELDP. Darden consistently ranks in the Top Five global business schools for course design and faculty, elements considered by NAMIC to be of vital importance. Darden was selected as a partner to reimagine executive preparedness and success in an emerging global, digital marketplace, building on the NAMIC program’s decade of proven success since its founding in 2001 at the UCLA Anderson School of Management.
ELDP is unique in its focus on both men and women of color, and its research-anchored exploration of the intersection of business-critical leadership competencies with cultural identity. The program is designed to help solve some of the industry’s most persistent diversity challenges: increasing the diversity of the industry’s executive suites; retention of executives of color; and maximizing the ROI of a diverse workforce within the business environment that demands strategic leadership agility and creative innovation.
The curriculum has been shaped to consider the unique challenges faced by executives of color throughout their careers, and delves into the critical performance competencies that any successful executive in the industry must master. During four visits to Darden, spanning a seven-month program arc, ELDP class members will explore topics required for strategic agility and sustainable success in the ever-changing, dynamic telecommunications industry: marketing and financial analysis; corporate strategy; operations management; communication strategies; change management; achieving optimal business results from multicultural teams; and leading innovation.