NAMIC President Gives Statement on Current Affairs: Title VII Supreme Court Ruling

From National NAMIC President Shuanise Washington   Yesterday was a proud moment for our country. The Supreme Court upheld one of our nation’s most basic and fundamental aspirations—that every American is entitled to equal treatment under the law. In a historic decision, the Court ruled that regardless of who you are or whom you love, you are entitled to equal protection in the workplace under federal law and that firing an employee on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.   As our nation continues to wrestle with issues of equality, equity, access and inclusion, it is important that we remain hopeful. We must celebrate how far we’ve come, embrace where we need to go, and define the roadmap to get us there. While there is still much work to be done, it is reaffirming and gratifying to see our nation take this important and long overdue step.   The Supreme Court’s landmark decision represents a tremendous victory. Until we have achieved full parity for all, NAMIC will continue to educate, advocate, and empower for multi-ethnic diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

NAMIC will continue to educate, advocate, and empower for multi-ethnic diversity and inclusion in the workplace.